by Shannon Rose
Africans have been at the forefront of epic achievements of immensity and splendor since antiquity. Africans on the Continent produced the primordial and incomparable Kingdom of Kemet which spawned the greatest examples of scientific achievement know to man. From Africa also ascends the legacy of Nubia, Timbuktu and the noble empires of Mali, Ghana and Songhay. The Transatlantic Slave Trade brought Africans to the "New World" where this heritage of achievement would continue. Against formidable odds we sacked the French in the Haitian Revolution, gave birth to the Brazilian Kingdom of Palmares and seated the first Black president of the United States of America.
Like so many other monumental feats of the past, the African in America has today begun to amass great sums of wealth. In fact, African Americans represent roughly 12% of the United States and by the first quarter of 2012, will be in command of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS of monetary power.
One trillion dollars is equal to over $25,000 per each Black man, woman and child in the US. Properly harnessed and reserved strictly for the fortification of the Black collective, this amount of economic power makes African Americans the 8th richest community on earth.
Given the economic uncertainty of this new millennium, it is incumbent upon the African American community to devise a plan to reign in our buying power and make sure it is OUR COMMUNITY that reaps the benefits of OUR MONEY. The African principle of Ujamaa or Cooperative Economics, urges us to build and maintain Black businesses, educational facilities and other institutions, and to profit from them. The three part method you are about to read combines three, viable money making systems that allow us to recycle the Black dollars, advertise to the Global Black market and exchange vital business tools through networking.
The first part of this strategy is utilizing the Black Business Builders profit distribution system. This system is not pyramid or MLM, its simply “RECYCLING BLACK DOLLARS”. The creators of this program have built a foolproof system where we can “use the Internet to build wealth and keep it circulating within the Black community.”
Current members enroll prospective members and get paid for doing so. As long as members maintain their $27 monthly membership fee and continue to fervently add people to the system, everyone profits. In fact, members of Black Business Builders receive residual profits from EVERY person they’ve EVER enrolled into the system, for the LIFE of your membership.
Black Business Builders members are given a treasure trove of tools to market this business online i.e., your own webpage, audio/video postcards, pod casts, Internet radio and Live Broadcaster, a flash-based, software application that allows the broadcaster to conduct live audio and/or video events online. By paying $27 per month, your community will be paying you and you will be paying your community.
The second part of this system is the MLM program Better Web Builder. With this system, members are supplied with a website, online video presentations, capture pages, auto responders, sales pages, advertising banners, a link creator, affiliate rotator, affiliate placement, email affiliates and more. In fact, you can join the company for free or pay the $29.95 monthly Gold membership fee to receive optimal benefits.
With the Gold membership, you’ll be paid for SEVEN levels of subsequent enrollments. As well, the Gold membership allows members to promote, advertise and market FIVE OF YOUR OWN BUSINESSES.
The third part of this system is a referral program called Zip Nada Zilch (ONE). This is an umbrella company for 18 different websites that pay people to refer other people to different companies. You need a PayPal account and a debit/credit card in order to sign up. When the person you’ve referred to a company, on one of the 18 different websites, orders something from one of the companies, you can get paid for the referral or you can get iPhones, iPads and other digital devices.
Some may ask, why were these 3 systems combined? Why wouldn’t we just use Black Business Builders? My answer is, indeed, the Black Business Builders program is GENIUS and CREATED FOR US BY US! UJAMAA can’t be defined better anywhere, in any other system, online or offline. What’s more, THIS BUSINESS DOESN’T SELL ANYTHING EXCEPT THE OPPORTUNITY FOR US TO BECOME RICH BY INVESTING IN OURSELVES! However, in utilizing Better Web Builder, for $30 you can ADVERTISE and MARKET FIVE BUSINESSES on the Internet. This feature allows us to fast-track our individual Internet footprints and create multiple streams of income.
Lastly, Zip Nada Zilch is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to get paid on the Internet simply by paying if forward. Once I’ve referred someone to the program and they make a small purchase, I make money. As well, the referral INSTANTLY becomes a member and can then begin referring people and getting paid. Further, the referrals can be used to obtain the digital devices vital in operating a highly mobile, online business. If we use our imagination, as a community, we could use this system as a FAST and EASY way to generate money for a myriad of things.
The impetus for all this is found in the imminent monetary power of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS. The order in which the programs are implemented, isn’t what’s important. The importance lies in making our dollars BOUNCE within the Black community and the organization of our wealth thereafter. With the power of ONE TRILLION DOLLARS, the African race could be of the highest educated, most innovative and pioneering people on the planet.
This is not the plan, it’s A plan. A plan that is instantly implementable. Other plans for the economic unity of the Black community can be added to this one for further fortification.
Put the UJAMAA into motion and make ONE TRILLION DOLLARS BOUNCE in the hands of your own people. BLACK PEOPLE UNITE.
“I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” Harriet Tubman
"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." El-Hajj Malik-El Shabazz The Honorable Minister Malcolm X
“To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.” W.E.B. Dubois
"Powerful people cannot afford to educate the people that they oppress, because once you are truly educated, you will not ask for power. You will take it." Dr. John Henrik Clarke
“Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“Organize, organize, organize! Organize with a sense of scientific rebellion.” Kwame Ture
"Patience Has Its Limits. Take It Too Far, And It's Cowardice." George Jackson
"Have you forgotten that once we were brought here, we were robbed of our name, robbed of our language. We lost our religion, our culture, our god...and many of us, by the way we act, we even lost our minds." Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad
“Every time we put our money into another group’s hand we are aiding them in wiping us out.” Dr. Claude Anderson
"I wake up each morning with a vision of a restored Kemet (New Africa), re-constructed by New African Men and Women, renewed and re-affirmed in their Africaness, and giving rise to a New World, in which we step back on the stage of Human History, as a Free, Proud and Productive People.” MK 10311
"But now with the living conditions deteriorating, and with the sure knowledge that we are slated for destruction, we have been transformed into an implacable army of
liberation." George Jackson
“No man is free until he learns to do his own thinking and gains the courage to act on his own personal initiatives.” Napoleon Hill
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